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Wake Up & Dream!

Dear Soul Tribe,

 I trust you’re here because there is some medicine that needs to be exchanged between our souls. I work with magical forces that help make the invisible, visible. My sacred purpose is to awaken myself and others to the transcendent nature of LOVE, and learn to embody it physically in the world of form. This ripples out to all our relations. 
If you’re an artist, healer, thought leader, or just lover of life, you may want to journey with me at ISTA, curl up with one of my books, or maybe you’re even ready for high-level Mentorship.  Please enjoy my site, and if there are any answers you can’t find here, contact: Kali Das. She is in charge of my schedule while I am working on my next novel: Soul Transfusion. I have a wait-list for new clients, but I’m happy to connect virtually or in Dreamtime.

 Blessings, KamalaDevi 

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