Happy New Years from the San Diego Polyamory Family!polyamory premiere party fix 2013 opened with a play, or rather
an experiment in psychologic obsession.
After one manic week of rehearsing,
I midwifed Tantra Theater’s Surreal show.

In Feb, we traveled with our pod of lovers
to Philly to lick the liberty bell
(& keynote the Poly Living Conference.)

Michael’s step father Bob passed suddenly
but sweetly after a heart surgery.
He lived life to the fullest by
keeping current with his loved ones.

Michael started mens groups and wrote
ebooks, then let his lighting business go,
so the Ethical Stud could emerge.

Michael’s former girlfriend stepped onto our stage mid-March
After controversial questions at ‘Ask a Tantrika,”
she stayed for a snuggles, double dates
with Jason, and plenty of pod processing!

Pod on the rocks fix

Intoxicated by New Relationship Energy,
we cooked dinners, had sleep overs,
meditated in the mornings and
took family trips to county health clinics.

Imagine if Hollywood asked you
to be yourself and show your love life
on TV, for the whole world to watch
for two years in a row!?

Season two was growthful.
Yes, “growthful” is a euphemism
for– I don’t know what–
it’s sort of like when people say:
their relationship is complicated.

But ours is more

like a mix and match game:
Me & Jason
Michael & his girlfriend
Jen & Jesse
Tahl & Tziporah
(Plus Michael’s gay brother visiting us from Paris)
and our pre-existing pod, who showed up BIGTIME
for the controversial grand Finale, sex-party.

Aftewards, Devin got a Disney Cruise
to the Caribean, followed by fireflies,
daily forum shares and skinny dipping
at New Culture Summer camp
in West Virginia.

And then,
the show aired.
Jason left.
Michael’s girlfriend Moved in.
Jen and Tahl moved out.
Roxanne and I celebrated more than 2 years together!
Michael and I let go of labels like Husband & Wife,
and PolyPalooza was born.

Michael’s birthday performance involved
PolySwingers Onstage at the Palms,
Something about 49 blow jobs–
But what happens in Vegas stays…

vegas 007 4some polyamory swingers

Michael and his girlfriend continued ‘going deepr’
as celebrity guests on a sex positive cruise
In Florida, Michael met his girlfriend’s Mom and Grandma.
while I deepened my relationship to motherhood,
my best friend James, and life itself.

Upon returning, Nightline featured our family in
Polyamory: The End of Marriage?
The postive ABC News clip went viral.
Meanwhile, we struggle not to end
marriage, but redefine our own relationship.

We lean into growing pains,
with the community as our container,
we drop concepts of primary, non or plural…
In search of something still unknown.

We are not the pioneers,
It is love that is leading us.

We find ourselves in the worm-hole
between Solstice and New Years.
with Play Parties, Big Bear, Harbin Hotsprings,
and unseen promises of magic on the Horizon!

I wish you…
whatever you want.

And ask to be blessed with
capacity for:
Truth, Love, & Liberation!

Click HERE for your Powerful Goal Setting Tool with Life Wheel and Action plan to Activate your New Years Goals. 

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