Tziporah Kingsbury

The love Guru: Tziporah Kingsbury

By Twinkle Marie Manning. 

Being on Sabbatical in Southern California in the dead of winter has its perks.  Not the least of which has been spending time getting to know many unique wellness practitioners including Tziporah Kingsbury, an Intimacy Expert and Integrated Breath Work Specialist.  Tziporah recently made her television debut as “America’s Love Guru” on ABC’s  prime time hit series The Bachelor.  Her segments with the Bachelor and his date stirred up mainstream viewers.

The episode featured Tziporah facilitating an “Awakening Intimacy” session with Bachelor Chris Soules and his date Carly Waddell.  The session was over a two hour period in a beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico home. It was edited down to approximately ten minutes of air time. Her session with the couple was authentic, and, as most transformational processes can, it pushed the boundaries of one’s comfort zones.  

During the debut party on Monday, February 2nd, in a Private Residence in the Elfin Forest of San Diego hosted by Judy Foster as part of her Women’s Wisdom Master Mind Speaker Series, Tziporah spoke about her experience on The Bachelor.  Fifty people were present, including men. The evening began with Tziporah talking about her studies in Switzerland and throughout Europe.  She has decades of training in Integrated Breath Work and is a Contemporary Medicine Woman who works with clients who are ready to make positive emotional growth in their lives.  

During her pre-show presentation, Tziporah described the difference between sex and intimacy: “Intimacy is how you live your life in every moment. It is about being whole and complete with yourself and being able to share that completeness with others.” A distinction worth paying attention to in light of the mass distorted sexual comments following the show.  Tziporah concluded her presentation by guiding all present through an integrated breath work meditation.

Her sessions and meditations are different than many, as the breath work she employs is one of open-mouth breathing.  The tempo, while not rapid, is deep and is steady in its progression.  While the body is still, the breath is constant.  Participants were astounded at the results.  After the meditation everyone turned their attention to The Bachelor episode featuring Tziporah on TV.

The first hour of the session with the couple, they dialogued a lot.  Tziporah’s role is to help them identify where their challenges are, what parts of themselves (internally and externally) they wish to hide from the world and from each other.  Her process is to “unmask” so that only authenticity remains between the couple.  Much of these preliminary conversations were left on the cutting-room floor, as it does not make for edgy TV viewing.  So viewers were fast-forwarded into the hot-seat watching the couple disrobe and and pose in intimate positions, such as Yab Yum, one of the most common Tantra positions where one partner sits on the other’s lap facing each other.  While in a pose like this, the couple is meant to look at each other (“eye gaze”).  

As this was the Bachelor and his date’s first “couples yoga” session, and both of their first experiences with something so intimate as Tantra, it was to be expected that there would be moments of uncomfortableness.   Both expressed this on-air.  Which delighted Tziporah because she says that was the point of the exercises, “to see where they would set their boundaries.  So many people, especially women, say ‘yes’ when they want to say ‘no’ when involving sexual or intimate encounters.  Most people go through life without knowing their own needs or core values, let alone expressing them out loud.  Both Chris and Carly did so during our session.  It was a breakthrough for them.”

So, in a world where sex-sells and primetime is filled with love scenes, why has this episode of The Bachelor caused such a stir?  While Chris and Carly have known each other for many weeks during the production of this series, this was their first private time together (on TV).  A session such as the one they experienced with Tziporah most couples would not engage in until further along in their relationship.  The nature of Tziporah’s practice is deep impact.  She brings her clients to a level of intimacy, as individuals and as couples, that requires a commitment to transformation.  In this episode the couple came face to face with their vulnerabilities in ways that have not been seen on primetime before.  More than that, those unfamiliar with Yoga or Couples Yoga, and those with misunderstandings about Tantra, could easily mistake some of the postures she guided her clients through as salacious.

The Bachelor producers mindfully sought out Tziporah.  They invited her to be on the show because her credentials are impeccable and her work is valuable.  They clearly appreciated the session so much that they front loaded the segments with Tziporah into the first half of the episode.  The amount of airtime this newcomer to Hollywood received is significant indication of her worth.

Tziporah is featured in a new anthology published by Matrika Press entitled, “Women of Spirit, Exploring Sacred Paths of Wisdom Keepers.”  She teaches workshops worldwide and offers private sessions to select clients. One of her most popular seminars is her six week Revolutionizing Intimacy: Awakening a New Bolder Juicier You!  

For more information, visit:

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“Twinkle” Marie Manning is a freelance writer currently on Sabbatical in California.

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