Roxanne and Kamala“52 Fridays with My Bitch and Her Queen” is the working title of the forthcoming erotic novel by Kamala Devi and Roxanne DePalma

Kamala Devi and Roxanne DePalma are collaborating on a fictionalized account of their fantasy role-playing rampage during their Friday play dates. This erotic novel is only loosely but dangerously based on an unbelievable true love story.


Violet always wanted to be on stage, but didn’t know she was capable of so much drama until she met Raven, a deviant theater director who she falls in love with during a series of private sessions where they explore a whole range of polyamorous pansexual perversions.


…Raven may look at home, casually leaning against the stage, but inside she feels somewhat fraudulant.  She had always thought of strip clubs as being as degrading to women. If she was honest with herself she’d have to admit she’s always held a judgement on the type of women who call themselves “erotic dancers.”

Raven orders a draft from a plane waitress in a staff issued tee shirt who is making rounds. “Let me know if there is anything else I can get for you?” Raven bristles under the woman’s second degree look, but asks for her to break a $100. It seems there are three types of people in this club. There are the dancers, the staff and the clientele. The dancers are mostly putting on a big show to hustle money. The staff is here to protect the dancers and keep order, but they seem overly power hungry in their efforts. The clients are not as clear on why they are here. They are mostly lost and lonely. Because of the proximity to oceanside navel base, this is an unofficial hang out for navel officers.

Raven likes the thought of Violet dancing for the men of service. It’s like the ancient Sacred prostitutes of Babylonia who’s dharma was to take the war out of the warriors.  She fantasized often about Violet coming from an ancient lineage of temple dancers. She closed her eyes for a moment to imagine her girlfriend bejeweled from head to toe dancing in some royal court.

Violet is not your typical stripper.  She does not do it for the money. She does not feel her self worth is dependent on being sexually desired.  She doesn’t even do it to rebel against society, her parents or anything else.  She sees the club as a laboratory for her self expression and dances as a personal growth experiment. Violet has always loved to flirt and to tease, it’s just who she is.

She recently had lunch with her mother at an uptown cafe and her mom said, I know you think that pole dancing is some kind of artistic  form of performance art but why do you need to do it in front of a bunch of drunken sailors. Why don’t you just do it at a studio or in a burlesque show? To which violet was like, first of all, I don’t think it’s high art, I actually enjoy that it is raunchy and sexy freedom of dancing in a strip-club and and second of all, those men are fighting for your country, and they need it more than any audience at a burlesque show. Her mom forced a frown and said, OK I guess there is not much left to argue. I just hope you’re safe. …

About the Process:

Kamala Devi and Roxanne could write a whole other book about the unconventional rituals and inspiring practices they are employing to write this book…But one method you could tell your mother about is called NanoWrimo…Did you know that November is National write a Novel in a Month? There are over 300K participants working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel in one month with an online challenge called: NanoWrimo, Check it out:

Kamala Devi novel scoreboard



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