Summer poetry at rox wedding fxMy girlfriend’s girlfriend is a wonderful poet! Summer Athena Fae wrote the following two love poems for Daniel and Roxanne. She has been both their girlfriend for over a year, and presented this poetry publicly before God and everyone at the altar of their Outrageous Love polyamorous wedding! Hope you enjoy.


Poem 1: Untitled. 

My sun and my moon
I cherish your bond
as the limitless star cascaded sky
holding space
Embracing sweet lovers
orbiting in balanced synchronicity

The way you love lights me up inside
The magic in your eyes is impossible to hide
You’ve created a way to live inside a dream
In a way more realistic than i’ve ever seen
Embracing life’s full spectrum of colors
Curious to discover all of life’s wonderful treasures

Embracing love without too much restraint
Open to explore the mind and all that arises
From the heart’s all encompassing desires

The way you love has given me the wings to fly
Yet I choose to stay earthbound
Bathed in the sweet sounds of your heart beat’s breathing sighs
Wrapped in the warmth of our intertwined forms
To be seen in a way I have never known
Bright colorful threads into the tapestry of my life you have sewn

Your connection is pure inspiration
a beautiful empowering relation
Intertwined with ecstatic elation and empathic consideration

Your devotion to life, to love, fuels my artistic inspiration
I believe, it will inspire the worldwide nation
It’s so epic to be a part in your union and life’s creation

Summer and rox bum at wedding

If you want to follow summer on Instagram: And if you LOVE Roxanne’s Bum, follow her on Sunday’s she runs an Instagram campaign dedicated to Bumdays!

Poem 2:  Summer read this love poem at the polyamorous wedding Reception

I’ll tell you a love story
One rare to most commonly known
Shifting your whole perspective when it fully sinks in
walking hand in hand with compassion freedom and truth written in the sand
Of a passionate and courageous path
Vows spoken by the light of fire against the canvas of eternally endless stars
Embracing intimacy as never a burden or a chore
Not a hidden treasure kept secret in possession
But rather a precious gift to give, receive and explore
To dive deeper into real truth
Uncovering unseen needs of what one feels
To break open the heart to the root of all you know
awakening each other’s insight
Embracing transformative beauty in both devastating sorrow and overwhelming awe
lessons inspired as the ever creating galaxy filled sky
Like the sun and moon twirl
dancing endlessly in universal polarity
The perfect complimentary
It shows as he softens to the way she breathes
She’s gave him her heart and anything he needs
He’s devoted to planting peaceful intentions and awareness seeds
She’s always curious to discover and uncover
looking through the lens of so many eyes
He greets each creature of the world as a dearest friend
She awakens the hearts of near everyone she meets
He shines light on those lost in the dark
She flows and guides emotion as the tides of the sea
He’s selflessly working to find the world a more evolutionary sustainable way
Together they are a walking love revolution
When the space in your heart fills with someone that becomes home
Sharing with your beloved with another can feel frightfully distant and alone
What some proclaim is an unforgivable act
to them is one of life’s most greatest and fulfilling acts
Boundless expressions played out to see how fully one can feel
The vastness human experience can offer
Wanting for them rather than from
When his gaze dives into the place where their hearts meet
Inhaling and exhaling dissolving into one
She lights up as a flower beckoning to the sun
He gazes back at her like truth beauty devotion love and passion merged into one

by Summer Athena Fae. She currently teaches yoga around Encinitas and is working on a poetry book with the working title: Rapture.

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