Do you have what it takes to write a book? People often ask me how I got so prolific. How do you write so many books, plays, poems and blog posts. You want to know? 

Nanowrimo badge
The answer to how I write a book in 90 days:
I am NOT a perfectionist.
I do not over-think. I act.
My life is a work in progress,
and so is my art.  

Where there is skill in my craft, it was cultivated by doing.
Some of my early teachers were: The Artist’s way by Julia Cameron, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont and No Plot, No problem by Chris Beaty.

Chris Beaty started a writing revolution called: NaNoWriMo
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing. Last year, on November 1, 2013 over 300K participants began working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel in one month. Who wants to join me and take the challenge this year?

For the official NanoWrimo Pledge go here:

Here is my personal NaNoWriMo pledge:

  • I will write at least 5 days per week in Nov.
  • I will attempt to write 2,500 words per day.
  • I will post my word count, even when fall behind.
  • I will not revise, edit and/or censor myself.
  • I will not judge the quality of my writing. I am in a writing partnership with the great creator, quanity is my domain and quality is completely entrusted to my higher power.
  • I will be supportive and encouraging to anyone else who is writing.
  • I will complete 52 sexy scenerios during the month of November.
  • I will maintain balance and kindness towards my loved ones during this outrageous process.
  • I will write for pleasure and pledge to enjoy the process.

Please forgive me if I am abscent and self indulgent during the month of Novemeber. If you decide to join me on this journey…please make your “writing buddy” on the official website:

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