It’s Springtime! What’s new?  Here’s my new writing declaration for the season:
52 Fridays with my Bitch- mock cover-1 I will hereby attempt to complete the first draft of my next novel within the next 7 weeks. I wrote the first 50K of this novel as a challenge in November of 2014, and after over a year of working on other projects (Sacred Sex Sutras, Poly Pearls) it’s time to pick her back up! It will be an erotic romance based on my perverted poly adventures with Roxanne DePalma. The working title is “52 Fridays with My Bitch,” Here is the first line of the manuscript:

“Raven never imagined having her own bitch. She thought bitches were for misogynists. But God, the Universe, or some inexplicable mysterious force seemed to bless her with a girlfriend who blossoms in sexually submissive scenes.”

Inquiring Minds want to know…What’s the book about? Here’s my One Sentence Synopsis: 

Violet always wanted to be on stage, but didn’t know she was capable of so much drama until she met Raven, a deviant theater director who she falls in love with during a series of private sessions where they explore a whole range of polyamorous pansexual perversions.

Flip her over…here’s the back cover description of 52 Fridays with My Bitch: 

Can the deviant fantasies of this polyamorous affair heal the gap between devotion and debauchery?  

Violet, a curious new student comes to Raven’s weekly acting Class. Upon discovering that she is the girlfriend of a former lover, the two women begin a power play relationship. Raven struggles to maintain her spiritual faith as their kinky role play grows darker. Both women must re-negotiate with their male primary partners as it evolves into love. Can group sex be the glue to hold it together?  Can their deviant dates be transmuted into performance art, or does the dramatization of childhood sexual trauma run the risk of re-wounding?

My new manuscript deadline is 6/1/2016. Thanks for your support in my creative process!

Have you read my first novel? Check it out: Don’t Drink the Punch: An Adventure in Tantra


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