Devin Science CenterMy son Devin loves quantum physics, video games and intergalactic studies. His favorite number is infinity, favorite food is breakfast, and favorite color is: “all of them, even the ones that human eyes can’t see.” He does NOT like: haircuts, long walks, or the fact that the bees are disappearing. I am constantly astounded by what comes out of his mouth and have decided to post a blog with some of his most precious pearls.

Devin shares innocent insights: On Environment, On the cosmos, On Life, On Religion, On Science, On Psychology, On Fashion, On Politics, On Cuddling, On Unique Self, On Nature,  On Meditation, On Technology, On Aesthetics, On relativity, On Polyamory, On Words, On Holidays, On motherhood, On Gratitude….

On the Environment:

“I’m grateful for the environment, but these days it’s more important to be grateful for the environmentalists.” Age 7.

DEVIN: One age is not better than the other.
MOM: You mean like how you’re 7 years old and I’m almost 40?
DEVIN: No. Like how the Information age is not better than the stone age. For technology the information age is better, but for the animals that are now extinct, the stone age was much better.

On the Cosmos:

Equinox is my favorite day, it seems fair, with equal parts day and night. Age 7.

There might be more than one universe, because if there isn’t, the universe would be lonely. Age 7.

Before I fall asleep, the last thing I like to think about is how totally huge our galaxy is, but it’s still tiny compared to the universe. Age 7.

A lot of people think that humans are the most evolved species, but that’s kinda like thinking that the earth is the center of the universe. Age 8.

ME: You are the light of my life. DEVIN: If I’m the light of your life, you must be the star of my life, because stars make light and you made me. Age 8.

On Life:

The secret to life is…living. Age 6.

Devin yosemiteDevin fell and scraped his knee this weekend in the woods, he got up and said, “if my life was a movie, this would be the difficult part.” Age 6.

Mom, I know it’s your first time being a mom and you probably make mistakes sometimes but I forgive you because I’m having a great life. Age 7.

This morning I went into Devin’s room to wake him up and he was already awake in bed contemplating life. He turned to me and said: “I love life. Without life, I wouldn’t be here to love it.” Age 7.

On Religion:

“Some people say that kids pick their parents, but I’ve been thinking about it, and it doesn’t make sense. I think you and dad can choose whether or not to have a baby, but you can’t choose what baby to have, just like I can’t choose my parents. Your egg and his sperm came together and your DNA mixed and made me. There. It’s just like that.” Age 7.

Mom, some people think that God created everything, but I disagree. If there is a god, and I’m not saying there is, he probably only created the natural stuff like atoms, so it would evolve into everything else like humans who create technology. God doesn’t create technology. Think about it. Otherwise you would be walking through the woods and a Television would just appear, and that just doesn’t happen. Age 7.

Door to door missionaries stopped by today. Devin answered the door and I declined their literature, thanked them for stopping by, and told them we have our own spiritual practices.
“We love discussing different faiths with people, what do you practice?”
“I am tantric.” They said they didn’t know what that was, but politely blessed us as they left.
DEVIN: “How come they don’t know much about tantra, mom?”
ME: “Tantra is not as common as Christianity.”
DEVIN: “What is the difference?”
ME: Well, the Christians believe that there is only one God and that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Whereas we tantriks believe everybody is God.
DEVIN: That means I’m a lot like jesus christ.
ME: What do you mean?
DEVIN: If you believe everyone is god, then you and dad are god and I’m like jesus because I’m your only son. Age 7.

On Science:

Devin n Mamma KamalaDeviDevin: You know what we have inside? Blood. I remember when dad stepped on a piece of glass and it squirted out his ankle. But if we have blood inside, how come it doesn’t come out when we pee and poop? Age 6.

Today Devin wants to start 92 days of studying the periodic table…I asked him if he was learning about it in science class and he said: No. I want to study it myself, in class we’re studying length. Age 7.

I love bananas! They are like a potassium ingots. Age 7.

What if I discovered a new element? It would have to be Trans-Uranium. Or if they have all been discovered by the time I am a chemist, maybe I could create a man-made compound, that is indestructible. And it could really help people– like volcanologists–they could used the material to make a new suit that is not even melted by lava. Age 7.

Margaret (The mother of Devin’s best friend: Kaden) reports:
“Today at church Kaden whispered to me that he does not believe in god anymore. Now he believes in The Periodic Table of Elements because the Elements are what made everything and what everything is made of.” I wish I had a scientist friend like Devin when I was 7!!

On Psychology:

DEVIN: Why are you crying?
MOM: Mommy is a little sad.
DEVIN: Its OK mom. It could always be worse.
MOM: But sometimes mommy is just sad, and it’s OK to feel sad too.
DEVIN: You got to think of your fans.
MOM: What do you mean?
DEVIN: Me and Daddy, we are your biggest fans. And your life is like a movie, you don’t’ want to make it too sad, because you’ll make your fans sad.
ME: Um…Can you explain that to me?
DEVIN: You have to think about it for yourself, and then you’ll know what I mean.
Age 6.

Devin Echo Mcclure casually says, over his oatmeal breakfast: Every day of everybody’s life is the ‘best day ever.’ But not everybody knows that. Age 7

Devin came back from swimming at the YMCA and said: “Can I watch an adult movie with you? Don’t worry, if I hear a bad word I don’t just ignore it, I actually make up a good word in my head to replace it.” Age 7.

MOM: When I was a kid, my favorite book was “Bridge to Terabithia,” Have you ever heard of it?
DEVIN: No. Not even in the farthest regions of my mind. It’s not even in “accidentally overheard in conversations land” or any of the other regions, like “things I learned on the internet.”
MOM: Are there any other regions in there?
DEVIN: There are Lots. My favorite is Experience-land. Age 8.

On Fashion:

Devin says, “Mom, you and dad are a good pair, like a pair of matching sox. With another matching sock which is me, Devin. Age 7.

I handed Devin a new pair of sandals to wear to the beach. While slipping them on he says: “Socks are kind of like underwear for your feet. Wearing shoes with no socks is kind of like going Comando.” Age 7.

Most everything on earth is made of earth, even the shoes we wear to walk on earth. Age 7.

On Politics:

DEVIN: Mom, why do they call the president’s wife the first lady?
ME: That’s a good question, Honey.
DEVIN: America has never had a female president, has it?
ME: Not yet.
DEVIN: Well, I think it’s about time that we have a first man.

On Unique Self:

Devin told Rachel: The world is so big, how could we even know if there are two snowflakes that are the same. Oh! I get it, there are no two snowflakes that are the same, because they are not the same snowflake! Age 6.

Mom: “Did you know that you are totally unique and irreplaceable, there is nobody quite like you in the entire universe?”
Devin: “Yes. I know that. And so is everyone else.” Age 7.

On Cuddling:

Devin n poly familyDevin woke his mother up early with a complex math equation: “Mommy + Bed + Blankets +pillows + Me = Cuddles!” Age 6.

DEVIN (6) Says: Can I tell you why you are my favorite person to cuddle?
ME: Why?
DEVIN: Because dad is too spiky, he’s like cuddling a cactus. Age 6.

Mom if you sleep in my bed with me, you don’t have to cuddle me, you can just cuddle the bed and the bed will cuddle me, even when I lay here asleep. Age 6.

On Nature:

This morning Devin says he wishes he could make rain blackberries, but he didn’t know what we would do about all the fruit flies. Age 6.

Devin says: “Do you know who’s been giving me lots of butterfly kisses? The actual butterflies. One landed on my wrist and one on my neck, and can I tell you something else? I got a loose tooth.” Age 6

Devin says: I really really like ants. Because they are so small. It makes me like them more. Whenever I see ants, I just drop all my stuff, and just watch the ants. Did you know I was so connected to ants, mom? Age 7.

Devin says that everything natural is better than manmade. They are like two inventors, except the earth has way more experience and man still has a lot to learn. Age 7.

Even though butterflies enchant human beings and spiders haunt them, they both deserve respect. Like every other living thing. Age 7.

ME: Sometimes bad things just happen to good people.
DEVIN: I know that the monarch butterflies are poisonous if you eat them. Sometimes beautiful things can be dangerous, like a rose with thorns. Nature just has a way of balancing itself out. Age 7.

ME: Do you wish we had a pet? You know how some people are cat people and some people are dog people? What kind of pet would you like?
DEVIN: If I could get any pet, I think I’d get a snail, I’m more of a snail person myself. Age 7.

I told Devin when there is a conflict, I always try to seek win-win solutions.
MOM: Do you understand what win-win means?
DEVIN: Oh Yes! I know, when a predator is chasing a lizard and grabs him by the tail and the tail comes off and saves the lizard’s life, and the predator still gets fed. That win-win ‘for instance’ is from nature, but I want to hear more real-life ‘for instances?’
MOM: Uh, well, that pretty much tops any example I was going to give you. Thank you. Age 7.

On Love:

Devin dr. Seuss w MichaelDEVIN: If you were me you would know how good it feels to hug you right now.
ME: And what if you were me?
DEVIN: Then I would be hugging myself, and that feels pretty good too. Age 6.

Thanks for scheduling this date with me, mom, it really meets my need for quality time with you. Age 6.

Mom- I don’t love you more than anything….I love you equal to everything! Age 6.

DEVIN: I love you.
ME: what does love feel like?
DEVIN: Like a strong bond within us, and between us.
ME: Does it have a color or a shape?
DEVIN: No it’s invisible and weightless, in fact it’s invincible! It doesn’t go away, not even when you do. Age 7.

I’m thinking about relationship, for example, like you and me. You are like the computer and I am the wall. And the love between us is like the cord. And when people get a divorce, for example, it’s like the cord gets unplugged from the wall. Age 7.

On Meditation:

There is always Music. Not just from the radio or in the passing cars. but the real music comes from nature, you have to learn to listen. Age 7.

After Devin’s first formal meditation, the first thing he said upon opening his eyes was: “That was unusual.” Afterwards, went on a bike ride with his father and he pulled me aside to say, “I want to do it again, it feels like something I have done before, and I think I can get good at it.” Age 7.

Devin has mastered the tantric practice of equanimity! After his meditation yesterday he said: Mom! I realized something. It doesn’t matter if my mantra is “Sha-lom” or “Toi-let” they both have the same effect of clearing my mind. Age 8.

While camping on Catalina Island, Devin asked if we could meditate in a tree. After 5 minutes, Devin reports: I stopped using my mantra for a while, but then I noticed that all my thoughts came back, so my mantra sort of morphed into a new one and I noticed that it actually does helps to clear my mind.
ME: What’s your new mantra?
DEVIN: Shalom
DEVIN: That’s appropriate, it means peace in Hebrew.
DEVIN: I didn’t know what it meant, it just came to me, and it works. Age 8.

Due to daylight savings, Devin got confused– brushed his teeth, got undressed and asked me if I would put him to bed at 6:30pm.
ME: It’s not your bedtime yet, Honey.
DEVIN: Oh! well, I’ll just wait here in bed and meditate until the time comes, I don’t have to brush my teeth again because they don’t get dirty from just eating air. Age 8.

On Technology:

I am going to think up a question that is so hard, even google doesn’t know the answer to it.” Devin, Age 6

I told Devin that when i was a kid my favorite cartoon was the Simpsons. To which he excitedly said: I know the Simpsons, I’ve seen them, they are that yellow family that is always getting in trouble.” 7

On Aesthetics:

DEVIN: Why is it all black when I close my eyes?
ME: Because you’re cutting off the light and your sense of sight.
DEVIN: But why isn’t it all purple or yellow? Age 6.

When I look at something really bright, and then I close my eyes, I can still see it in my mind. Devin. Age 6.

While tucking Devin in to bed he says, I don’t need a bedtime story anymore, because I’m starting to see the whole day is like a story. Age 6.

Mom, If you can’t see what I see, you can HEAR what what I see, because I will tell you what I’m seeing. Age 6.

On Relativity:

Devin is home sick with an earache. I tucked him in and told him: “Mommy is going to be on an important phone call for an hour, but I’ll check on you when I’m done.”
Devin says, ” A whole hour? That’s a long time for a kid. When your older time goes by faster. But it’s ok, I can wait.”
When I got off the phone, he was still lying in bed. “You’re done already? Time went by faster, maybe being sick is like being old.” Age 7.

On Polyamory:

RACHEL: How would you like to have a new mom.
Devin thought about it and said: I’ve already got three.
ME: Oh Really? When I asked him who his Moms were he said: You, Mamma Claudia (his nanny) and Jennifer Gold. Age 6.

DEVIN: James, you are kinda like a father to me.
JAMES: Is that good or bad?
DEVIN: It isn’t good. It isn’t bad, it just is what it is. Age 7.

I asked Devin how he would like to live in a hotel with all our lovers.
DEVIN: It sounds hot.
ME: What do you mean?
DEVIN:”Polyamorous people talk a lot, and since talking generates heat, it would get too hot to all live in one house together. Age 7.

On Words:

Devin wants to know why toilet sounds like ‘toy’ when just sitting there is not that much fun. “I know,” He says, “maybe it’s because when you’re done, you get to flush it down and that can be pretty fun.” Age 5.

Devin says a W is like two V’s Kissing. Age 6.

DEVIN: One of my kids books says that gold is like the sweat of the sun and silver is like the tears of the moon. I like the sounds of that, it makes sense to me.
ME: That’s why I named you Devin, it means Poet.
DEVIN: That’s not as natural as “little tree” the Cherokee Indians only use natural names.
MOM: If you were Cherokee I would name you “Little Big Heart.” 7

There was a butterfly flitting over a freshly cut oleander bush with one single flower and Devin said: Look mom it’s an ‘onlyander’ –was that a good pun? I declare today is Sunday-Punday. Age 7.

ME: You can eat a rice cake as long as you don’t get crumbs everywhere.
DEVIN: It’s pretty hard to get crumbs EVERYWHERE. I’ll just eat it in my bed and get crumbs on my pillow and sheets, but that’s not everywhere. Age 8.

On Holidays:

DEVIN: Would you rather it be Christmas every day or Halloween?
ME: I prefer Halloween, because we get to dress up and act out our inner demons.
DEVIN: I prefer both, I wish we could throw snowballs at monsters! Age 6.

We celebrated earth day in the park with a picnic, during which Devin says…why isn’t there a space day? Age 6.

DEVIN: Mom, Can I tell you something?”
ME: What is it, baby?
DEVIN: Yesterday was July 3rd, Tomorrow is going to be July 5th, do you know what today is?
ME: What?
DEVIN: Today is going to be Fun. Age. 6.

We were having a little family time in the Jacuzzi and a humming bird flew up to the plum tree behind me. Devin says: Thank you Mr. Humming Bird for coming to say Happy Birthday to my mamma. Then He buzzed up a few inches from my head and rushed away. Devin says: Mom you just had an H.B.H.B.–Happy Birthday Humming Bird. Age 7

On Motherhood:

Devin and I had our first argument–and he won–I told him nobody would notice if he changed into his board shorts on the beach.
Defiant, he questioned me: “how do you know?”
Not wanting to say, ‘Because I told you so,’ I say:
“Because a mother has intuition about such things, and I’m a very experienced mother.”
To which he says: “You’re not that experienced, it’s only been 7 years.

ME: Let’s pick a new book to read before bed. How about “The Education of Little Tree?”
DEVIN: What’s that?
ME: What’s that? That’s only daddy’s favorite book. He even read it to me when I was pregnant with you.
DEVIN: Oh yeah, I’ve already read it.
ME: Did he read it to you?
DEVIN: I think so. Was your mouth a little bit open when he was reading it to you? Then I could hear it. The mouth is like a doorway for sound to travel all the way through your body. Age 7.

This morning I heard a raccoon scrambled across our roof. Now, let me disclaim that I have not been sleeping well, so I was a bit edgier than normal. Not knowing what caused the sound, I jumped up to check on my son. I didn’t see him in his bed so I ran frantically from room to room, heart racing, calling his name.

Michael woke up and went to directly to Devin’s room…”He’s right here!”
I came back in to give him a reassuring hug.
With a sleepy voice and eyes half opened, Devin said:
Are you sorry you woke me up?
ME: Yes dear, I’m sorry, I heard a noise and got worried that you were sleepwalking on the ceiling.
DEVIN: I would NEVER do that.
ME: Good. Go to bed.
DEVIN: I’ve been in bed the whole time. Didn’t you see my lump?
ME: No. I didn’t. Now, go to sleep.
DEVIN: I forgive you for waking me up.
Kisses. Age 7.

On Gratitude:

I am grateful for many things, one of them is gratitude. Age 7.

Thank you.

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To read more Devinisms from ages 1-5 click here and scroll to the very bottom of the page:

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