Body Politics by Kamala Devi
Written on the 4th of July, 2014

americanflag_bodypaintmy body is a sovereign nation.

i’m in ongoing negotiations
with my own self-governing law.

my heart has the authority
to amended my constitution,
but it works in congress with
my thirst, my sex, my guts and more.

fighting for peace, an ideal
i know not, how to maintain,
under the rule of my mind.

the dividing dictator
pits me against them,
good verses evil,
right contra wrong…

Justice Tarotif lady justice’s scale
goes up on this side,
the other must fall.

it’s this is against that.

by constantly measuring
the immeasurable, we confuse
judgement for justice.

blind to the deepest truth:
i am this and i am that.

please someone, with the sword
from her non-dominant hand,
cut me free from this duality.

i defect from the bondage of belief
even if for one day of independence,
un-tether me into international waters
and drench me in freedom.


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Reprinted from Kamala Devi, author, mentor and activist. She offers a library of free resources on sacred sex, polyamory, and tantra. Subscribe here:

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