
Polyamory Season 1
Married couple KamalaDevi and Michael ask their lovers, Jen and Tahl, to move in with them and their young son; Jen struggles with feelings of jealousy when it comes to Tahl; Kamala is hesitant about sharing her girlfriend Roxanne; Vanessa asks her lovers, married couple Anthony and Lindsey to marry her too; Lindsey’s new boyfriend, Krystof, threatens the harmony of her triad; Lindsey, Anthony, and Tahl’s families react in surprising ways when they come out to them as poly; Kamala helps the triad plan their commitment ceremony.
Polyamory Season 1 & 2 is available to rent or stream on these channels with a premium subscription or from itunes for $1.99.

Polyamory Season 2
Season 2 of Polyamory: Married & Dating follows two polyamorous families living in Southern California. New to the show are Chris, his wife Leigh Ann and their girlfriend Megan, a threesome living in Hollywood. When Leigh Ann and Chris both fell in love with Megan, they suddenly found themselves in a polyamorous relationship. We also pick back up with our Season 1 San Diego family of Michael, Kamala, Jen and Tahl. This season takes viewers on an intense emotional journey as we follow two families as they navigate the ins and outs of polyamory.
Polyamory Season 1 & 2 is available to rent or stream on these channels with a premium subscription or from itunes for $1.99.

Relationship Blackbelt DVD
Get the 10 relationship lessons hidden within the acronym B.L.A.C.K.B.E.L.T.S delivered to your front door!
Never before has upgrading your relationship skills and intimacy mojo been this fun and enlightening! Whether you are a white belt in love or a bedroom ninja with amazing, heartfelt skills, this educational, humorous, sometimes irreverent (but always insightful) educational DVD from relationship masters Reid and Kamala is for you! Who doesn’t want to learn how to struggle less in your relationships, love more deeply, and have fun while doing it? Order your own DVD copy or watch it online today!

Sex Magic Documentary
Sex Magic is a fascinating and unprecedented look inside the world of tantra, sex magic, and sexual healing through the eyes of Baba Dez, a sacred sexual healer who’s made love to more than 1,000 women. Dez, who founded the Sedona Temple, a training center for dakas and dakinis (spiritual sexual shaman), travels the world to speak and teach about the temple arts and still practices with clients back home. Some might call him a careerist. Dez is transformed when he falls in love with Maya, a fellow dakini and his primary lover. He is thrilled to finally find a woman who accepts his polyamorous lifestyle, until one day Maya abandons him, no longer able to tolerate his numerous lovers. Devastated, Dez practices sex magic with other women to manifest her back. Will it work?