Hate MailIt’s not that I like “hate mail” per se, but not everyone agrees with my lifestyle or opinions.  While this is fine, and I usually simply embrace the diversity and/or ignorance that I receive as a comment, I recently received a Facebook comment that was intriguing enough to share with my friends.  I honestly wasn’t sure how to respond, so I asked for suggestions.  I had no idea what a firestorm I was creating!  So far I’ve received 169 comments, so I must have touched a nerve!

Here is what I said in my Facebook post and some of the great responses.  Can’t wait to hear what YOU think!!!

Okay.  Here goes!  This is what I said …

Hate mail continues to trickle in, and typically I delete it without paying much heed; but this one I couldn’t resist. How should I reply?

Not judging you, but God created the holy institution of marriage; the bonding of soul to soul, needed in order to merge back into Him.

Encouraging one to seek “sex” outside of a marriage is like slapping God directly in His face.

You’re playing with fire; Maya no doubt has his grips on you… I would stop encouraging married couples to engage in tantra or polyamory.

You may feel justified in doing so, but you’re really doing a disservice to God. You’re not going to like your life review when you have to, one day, give up your ghost.

Hmmm…. well, I received LOTS of comments, ranging from the humorous to the philosophical.  Here are a few of my favorites.

“Why would you have to give up your ghost?” – H.M.

“Well…it sounds opinionated but not hateful. I think we can all live our lives as we please as long as everyone is okay. I don’t think anyone can speak for God, Goddess, or anything in between. And since most believe that those energies speak through all of us…no one can interpret which message is true and which is not…because it’s all truth.” – R.C.

“Well the deepest Tantrika within me asks….how can you bridge the gap of separation between yourself and this person? After all, Tantra is to weave, to unite. To just defend “my way” and diss “your way” leaves us in separation. The most profound, the most healing, and the most tantric response would be the response that transforms separation into unity. Good luck.” – S.S.

“See you in Heaven, Goddess!  If her God won’t give you a good grade, Goddess will.  I believe in you.”  – C.M.

“Also, we as souls….don’t give up the ghost. You continue to evolve and grow in love and see things more clearly once in another dimension with God. When your soul returns to heaven, God opens the door and says welcome home. It is wonderful to see the love you shared on earth.” – L.I.

“If God wants us all to be married and monogamous, then why does She make so many of us who are not? Only humans judge and condemn. God is Love.” – A.M.

“I am christian and i am bi and poly. I dont like how christian gets a bad name. I am proud of who i am. But struggle here in the bible belt. I am happily married to a man and i have had a girlfriend too. That doesn’t make me less christian. I just ignore ignorance. I really sometimes wish i didn’t live here.” – R.C.

“It’s just about LOVE …” – S.P. 

“How ignorant can it get? God (Whatever that is) didn’t invent marriage. Man did to protect property rights.” – T.H.

Well, now you’ve heard some of the comments.  What is YOUR opinion?!

Oh, and if you disagree or would simply like to know more about polyamory before making a judgment, pick up a copy of my book Polyamory Roadmap which is available in the KamalaDevi.com online store.  It’s available for immediate download, and I think you’ll love it!

I’m looking forward to your feedback!




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