“Mom, you really know how to stop the boringness.” Devin, age 5 is now enrolled in kindergarden at a local music academy where he is learning the violin.

The year 2012 was devoted to sharing new paradigms of love, on camera, on stage, and online.  Michael and I gathered with an intimate group of lovers to practice telling the truth about free love. As a result, we were featured on Showtime’s Docu-series, Polyamory: Married and Dating, we wrote and performed our own “Poly Show” for TantraTheater, got interviewed by Dr. Drew, appeared on Ricki Lake, and even created a video spoof on YouTube called: “Shit Tantra People Say” which now  has over 100K viewers.

January kicked off with massive home improvements that include building an outdoor bath house for our live-in lovers, painting the interior & exterior of the house, bamboo fences in the backyard, and proudly displaying a sacred geometry collection by Cathleen Cienfuegos. The creativity continued with an instructional video about Jealousy with Reid Mihalko, (which mysteriously, is still in production but due for release early this year.)

In Feb. and March 2012, Tantra Master Charles Muir & Leah Alchin shared their transformative “Conscious Loving” seminars and initiated the San Diego Tantra Community into new depths of connection as Jen started dating Jesse, Michael got interested in men’s work, Viraja reclaimed her inner masculine, Roxanne demonstrated sexual healing for the collective, and Charles was grandfathered into the pod.

Michael and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary about the same time that Jennifer and Tahl moved in with the TV Cameras. Bring on the personal growth! The merging of our primary relationship with another married couple quickly helped us realize the necessity for clear agreements, to continue our self inquiry, and seek outside professional support! (Thank you Scott Catamas)    We felt there was no better way to confront our beliefs about self, others, and society than to let Hollywood follow us into the bedroom. Fortunately, our brilliant director, Natalia Garcia helped us balance the existential dilemma of keeping it real while looking good.

For my Birthday, in May we took a family trip to ISTA’s 11th Annual Conference of Sexuality and Consciousness in Sedona where I re-connected with co-author Dez and hosted a FUNdraiser to save the tantra temples with keynote speaker and legendary sexgoddess, Annie Sprinkle and her wife Beth Stephens!

After the show was wrapped, we deepened our poly relationships, took a family trip to Lightning in a Bottle, continued co-creating on Tantra Theater, and prepared ourselves for public attention by launching this new blog and website: www.kamaladevi.com.

To watch the Season Premiere of the show, most of our lovers gathered for a viewing party in Harbin Hotspring’s private movie theater. Having not seen the final edits, we were relieved by the quality of the storytelling. We all stayed for a long weekend toteach, perform and play together at the World Polyamory Conference where I was keynote speaker and gave a talk on tribal technology and co-taught relationship agreements with my beloveds.

The superpod gathered weekly to watch the show and practice the Forum. Watching 7 half hour episodes felt like watching asurreal snapshot of our complex love lives that exaggerates both our best and our worse qualities.   After the show, we were swamped by heartfelt letters from fans telling us how our relationship style had changed their lives. We rarely left the house without strangers telling told us how much they loved the show.

Other notable adventures included parties for the season premier and finale, Whole Being Weekend, Michael’s Safer Sex birthday party, Burning Man, attending my 6th enlightenment intensive, co-teaching with Christopher Ryan and my 1st year anniversary with Roxanne.

The highlight of my professional year was developing a revolutionary new curriculum called “Beyond Monogamy” and collaborating with Jason Brett to launch an affiliate program to share the teachings with hundreds of open minded lovers across the country.

The low light of my year was Devin’s head injury. He wassleeping at his best friend Kaden’s when a wall-mounted bookshelf suddenly crashed down and cut them both. They rode in an ambulance to Emergency where they discovered a minor scull fracture. We spent the next 24 hours in ICU monitoring his vitals to make sure the blood and air exposure didn’t affect his brain function. This family crisis revealed tremendous support from our pod who held us while we cried and sent us food and prayers through the next two weeks of recovery.     And then, about a week before Thanksgiving, my Stepfather passed away. Randy was a kind and generous grandfather to Devin, he survived 7 years of lung cancer and died peacefully at home.  It was an honor to officiate a memorial for his family and speak at his AA memorial where after 40 years sober he was nothing short of a legend. He was a master at keeping things simple and I will always remember his financial advice: “You have to have more money coming in than going out.” (Perhaps next year I’ll apply it.)

2012 culminated in a huge happy ending! We did a hotel take-over at a healing retreat in Desert Hotsprings for the final annual Tantra Palooza Festival with over 100 people and 12 teachers on 12-12-12. It was a phenomenal life changing event! Through co-creating with Adam Paulman and other members of the superpod, I found that one of the most rewarding ways to make love is through sharing vision and purpose. Together we plan to create Poly-Palooza: An immersive retreat into open relationships at a clothing optional resort, when the weather warms up in the Spring.

Love and Blessings,

Kamala Devi

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