Sexy Santa KamalaDeviThis Holiday season I am taking time from work to enjoy my family, heal my body and write a playful new erotic novel! 

I want to gift you with a referral list of practitioners that have helped me during my own healing journey.

I am uncertain when I’ll resume mentoring, but I am such a lover of people and the turning of the seasons, that it won’t be long until I’ll want to re-connect with my community. 

I don’t usually quote the Bible, but it wouldn’t be fair to give Peter Seeger all the credit for his song ‘Turn!, Turn!, Turn!’ (Ecclesiastes III, 3:1-3:8 King James Version):

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

During my professional sabbatical, I’d like to recommend a few stellar practitioners.
Granted finding a mentor is such a matter of personal compatability, but following is a short list of high level healers and teachers who’s work I love and trust. Scroll down for picture and bios.

Blessings to you and yours!I

1. Greg Clowminzer

2. Shawn Roop

3. Tziporah Kingsbury

4. Céline Remy

5. David Dantinu

6. Mark Kaupp

7. Tom Wall

Greg Clowminzer1.Greg Clowminzer
(760) 930-9604
Greg was my first coaching mentor who helped launched my career. He is
a pioneering business and leadership coach with over 10,000 hours of
real time coaching experience. Greg coaches and consults with CEOs,
small business owners and professionals, helping them clarify their
vision, create unique strategies for success and developing the
necessary skills to be a leader and effectively exercise leadership as
their natural self-expression.

You will often catch Greg ranting about conscious entrepreneurship,
integrating passion, profit and peace into your business, enlightened
leadership, refining human capital, as well as eloquent riffs into the
nature of conscious loving relationships or visit

Shawn Roop2. Shawn Roop
(619) 365-5481
Shawn Roop is a highly trained and qualified facilitator of Tantric wisdom. He has taught to thousands of individuals and groups worldwide. His passion is fueled with the desire for each person to own their magnificence and to support the understanding of how easy it is to become ecstatic in life. He offers skills to disassemble complication and build from a place of simplicity. He comes from a nurturing, compassionate and heartfelt expression. He is a spiritual muse; and makes sense of the human experience without denial or suppression. He unites pleasure and dissatisfaction while igniting personal fire from within.

Tziporah Kingsbury3. Tziporah Kingsbury
For 15 years, I have worked with men, women and couples — spiritual seekers who have chosen their own path — who may be struggling with relationships, feeling disconnected from their own body, weighed down by emotional toxins and unfulfilled, like life has become superficial. I  guides them deeper inside themselves where they feel freer and empowered with the keys to a life that meets their emotional, sexual and spiritual needs.

Celine Remy4. Céline Remy
Holistic Sexologist and Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Céline Remy offers a unique body-based methodology to crack open her clients through pleasure. She brings a ridiculous amount of joy and laughter in everything she does and wants every man to step into his power with strength and sensitivity and every woman to experience the sex she deserves & craves. She teaches both men and women how to unleash their sexual potential, bring out the best in each other and have mind-blowing sex for hours.



5. David Dantinu
(303) 499-5363
High personal recommendation for Dave’s high level transformational
work. He has helped me and my family tremendously during my recent
breakdown. His a brilliant therapist with extraordinary skills in a
wide variety of methods…and in mastery of his own paradox
cure…Check it out: 

Mark Kaupp6. Mark Kaupp
(619) 665-5590
Mark A. Kaupp, Psy.D sees clients on an individual, relationship, and family basis. His primary focus is Couples Therapy and aims to create greater levels of trust, safety and stronger emotional bonds through the use of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). Further issues addressed range from relational conflicts, work concerns, and family difficulties to depression, grief, stress, anger, anxiety and Addictions. He works with all ages, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Tom Wall7. Tom Wall
(619) 708-7126
The journey towards change and healing is full of growth and discovery. Although this journey can be challenging, with compassionate support, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. One of the most important aspects of making this journey an easier one is to develop a healthy support system. Finding a therapist that you feel safe with and can trust is part of developing that support system. As a therapist, I not only work with clients to gain better understanding of themselves, but I also work with them to create a safe and supportive environment that will help them integrate the body, mind and spirit.

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All I want for Christmas is a DVD Box Set of Showtime’s Polyamory: Married & Dating
























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