I Dance for Freedom  

Sexy dance striper shoes

In my heart is the heart of every woman

The longings of my body are the longings of the feminine everywhere

There are not billions of women in the world

There is one sacred feminine essence

Expressing its diversity through so many forms…

Our feelings, like our cycles, long to sync


In my heart is the heart of every woman

And through my body I will live the impulses her circumstances don’t yet allow her to


I move for all those told to sit still

I make sound for all those told to be quiet

I push boundaries for all those who are bound


The essence of the feminine is freedom

As much as it is love

Without the freedom to choose it, there is no love

Only dependance…


For all those who have been shamed, I am shameless

For all who have been controlled, I am liberated

For all those who have been forced, I protect myself

For all those who have been inhibited, I am wild


My yes and my no are both my own, and both expressions of my freedom

I am sovereign, whole, and the master of my own destiny

You may appreciate me, and love me…which will heal you

But you may not possess or control me


For all the women who have been forced to cover themselves, I reveal my nakedness

For all whose sex has been shamed, I am wanton

For all who have been told they have to choose, I see beauty in every man, and use my own to soften and ennoble him, and remind him of his own heart

For all who have been told to feel less, I heighten all of them and turn them into art, giving others the permission to be fully human again.

For all who have been made less alive in any way, I dance.


A woman’s body and feelings are inseparable

Both meant to move with the currents of life

Uninhibited, they sparkle.


A woman’s body is meant to dance

Moved by feelings that have no words

Yet need expressed

Her movement is the language of the ineffable

And how her deepest heart is made manifest in the world


Her body was made to create life

Every impulse in it is an expression of creation

All sacred…

The breadth and depth of her aliveness are the only meaningful measures of her success


I dance because in life’s loving itself, it offered to existence the gift of the feminine

The same forces that lead the moon in its celestial dance, dance me.

I dance, because freedom and love are the nature of every woman.

~An ode to the life work of Laura Martin~ http://www.flyinglaura.com/

4th flying lauraFor a video of her Championship click here.  

There will be live erotic dance and performance art at Poly Palooza, a 4 day poly festival at a clothing optional resort in Desert Hotsprings on Oct. 10-14, 2013. Check out www.PolyPalooza.com 

If you liked this poem and want to hear more revolutionary ideas from the author, Daniel will be speaking as one of the panelists at  Poly Palooza (And doing spoken word at the Tantra Theater Talent Show.) 

Photos by Rob Armstrong, Namaste Media and Rich Van.