Hello World! 

Circus clownThis morning I woke up and realized that I’ve let this anti-Trump circus pull me off center, after weeks of mourning and moping around the house, I am ready to pull my focus away from what I stand AGAINST, and back to what I stand FOR.
I am coming to terms with the reality that I am not positioned to affect our foreign policy and don’t have much influence in public healthcare, but instead of feeling disempowered, I’ve resolved to put my energy where it can make a positive impact: on the environment, human rights, public education & of course, the arts.

Not My Circus ~ Not My Monkeys! 

The way I see it, we are all ring leaders of our own circus, so it’s good to take inventory of which acts we are mastering, and which ones we can let go of?
What is your sphere of influence?

Personally, I’m working on my health, mothering and my marriage to Michael. This weekend our poly family is taking a boat with a hot tub out cruising around Mission Bay to celebrate our 15 year anniversary! Then, on Valentine’s Day we’re doing a sex magic ritual where we review what we’ve learned and co-create a vision for the future of our relationship.
This newsletter includes detailed updates about other areas of my life where I chose to be a ring leader (Such as writing and traveling.)  One of the most exciting areas of growth is joining the faculty for the International School of Temple Arts as we gather in Latin America for personal and professional development. This will be my first time traveling to Guatamala and Brasil!
Perhaps the deepest invitation I have for you is to meditate on whether you are called to join me and my soul family at one of the 5 week-long ISTA retreats I’ll be teaching around the world this year. (This is a profound transformational training called Level 1: Spiritual Shamanic Sexual Experience.) I’ll be co-facilitating in Portland, Spain, Sweden, California, and Massachusetts!

Alternatively, if you are a healer, teacher and/or artist and prefer private attention, consider coaching with me by phone or Skype. And if you’re in San Diego, I’ll also be directing another Tantra Theater Improv Show which involves community storytelling on the theme: Virginity Lost!
Wake up & Dream,
KamalaDevi McClure


A) Virginity Lost Show


B) ISTA training in Portland this May!

C) Big Picture Events

D) Master Coaching

Are you a teacher, coach or artist, ready for deep private work with a master coach in the area of sex, relationship, creativity? I’m opening my private practice to select professionals this year while traveling and teaching retreats around the world. Let me know if you want to set up an Initial consultation by phone while I’m in town. Would love to support your full expression this year! Send an email to Bliss (at) KamalaDevi.com

E) My Writing Update

Here’s my Writing Declaration for 2017: I have written proposals for two books and am shopping them with trade publishers and plan to complete them both this year. I intend to finish re-writes on the erotic novel “52 Fridays with My Bitch” by April 15th. For the first time, I’ve printed out the entire manuscript: 52 Fridays with my Bitch. (It’s over 500 pages, which broke my printer in the process.)

Next, I will complete thePleasure Bible” when my co-author and I secure a publishing contract. Also, the Portuguese translation of “Sacred Sexual Healing” is due on Amazon this spring! Thank you to my co-authors and allies for inspiring me and holding me accountable!!! Roxanne DePalma, Baba Dez Nichols, Komala Lyra, Marc Gafni, Cheri Reeder, Bobby Newman, Steven Starr and Marni Freedman!

Warm hugs until next time,
KamalaDevi McClure
To sign up for my monthly newsletter, where I offer personal updates and private invitations, please leave your email in the autoresponder on the Right side of this blog! Looking forward to staying connected!

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