Gina-et-al-on-OWNHave you seen the one-hour documentary called “I Love You & You…& You” that aired earlier this month? It’s an episode of Our America by Lisa Ling from the OWN channel that features three polyfamilies: Robyn Trask and her life partner Jesus V. Garcia, and John and two of Trask’s kids (a teen and an adult.) A young foursome from the Philadelphia area that includes Gina and Shaunphilly, an atheist-skeptic humanist who runs the blog, and a triad in Vancouver. Kudos to these courageous families. If you haven’t seen it but want to read more Click Here. Thank you for representing! You must have done a great job because…

Now, it appears Oprah’s producers are looking for More! They put out a call on their website asking:

Know anyone in a polygynous (polygamous) marriage?

We’d like to learn more about families of all faiths who are in polygynous marriages. Are you or someone you love involved in a polygynous marriage? If you are in such a marriage, do you have several friends or a support network of people who also live polygynous lifestyles? Do you practice polygyny because your faith calls you to do so? If you’re willing to share your story… submit an introduction in less than 200 words. Click Here. 

Just for fun,…since I love sharing…I wanted to see if I could keep the story of my polyamorous marriage to only 200 words…(Love is not limited but wordcount is.)

Michael and I began our open marriage over 11 years ago. As a bisexual woman, I didn’t want to cut myself off from having both a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Sometimes I would share my girlfriends with my boyfriends, sometimes not, but it was easy to see how the unique love I felt for one person did not take away from the other. 5 years in, I found myself falling in love with another man, it immediately infused my marriage with even more passion and we realized how love is limitless. We have since had a son, bought a house, and moved in with another married couple. But that’s not all, our lovers have other lovers, who all love each other. In total, our poly family (which we lovingly call our “pod”) is about a dozen strong and we all get together for dinner parties, camping trips, to talk about relationship, and occasionally host sex parties. Not all of our lovers want to be on TV, but someday we’d all like to live together, or at least have a hotel where lovers could come from all over the world and experience our version of liberated love.

San Diego Poly Family camping tripAfter reading my story, I’ll be curious to hear yours, please comment in 200 words or less! 

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