Sacred sexual healing spanish“Sacred Sexual Healing” by Baba Dez Nichols and KamalaDevi Será traducido en Español, muy pronto!”

Clara Gomez, who is on the team of badass translators with Dafne Marenco and the hero who has been managing this project Paulino Aparicio Martín-Orozco.  She says she’s “Been truly loving translating this gem of a book into my mother tongue. A labour of love and an honor to help spread the word about the magic and healing possible when we step into our full potential as sexual beings!”

Watch KamalaDevi’s reaction to this news in a short and powerful video blog about the 4 types of sex:

What kind of sex are you having? Would you like to learn to infuse your orgasm with your intention and create sex magic? KamalaDevi offers a basic teaching from her new book which is being taught all around the world at : will now be translated into Spanish and Portuguese! 


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