Master Relationship Coaches Kamala Devi & Scott Catamas

Scott Catamas and I are in more demand than we can personally handle! The planet is waking up and starting alternative relationships; as a result the business of relationship coaching  is booming and there is a growing need for radical, compassionate coaching in love, sex and relationship. We want to train teachers, healers and coaches to better serve our growing community.

If you are a professional coach, please take 10 minutes to
fill out this survey. CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY.

We invite you to join us for “The Business of Relationship Coaching” (Sat. March 1st 10am-6pm)  CLICK HERE for event info. This transformative one day training, with two relationship coaching masters, is a small professional investment of $149.00 and will teach you how to better price, package and promote your services!

We need to know what other areas of this work you are most interested in learning about? We’d appreciate it if you’d take 10 minutes or less to complete the following questionnaire
in order to help us manifest this vision. CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY

PS:  We’re excited to also be offering a Free mini-breath workshop with Tziporah Kingsbury, before the event begins, at no extra charge!

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