Announcing our ebook is officially on Kindle at! It is also available as an instant PDF download in our Store! Learn to Infuse your Orgasm with intention to Manifest your Life’s Purpose with the SHAMAN Method of Sex Magic! This ebook is from the Sacred Sexual Healing series by Baba Dez and Kamala Devi. Sex magic shaman method kamala Devi“In my twenty years of Wiccan, Shamanic, and Tantra I have practiced sex magic often, but never with such powerful results in my body and in my pocketbook as I experienced with the SHAMAN Method of Sex Magic offered in this book.” –Kypris Aster Drake, author of Journey to Sexual Wholeness Here’s an selection from the introduction of this ebook: A mainstream movie recently made headlines because of its willingness to reveal “the secret” of manifestation. Though masterfully marketed, the wisdom in this movie is nothing new. Nor does it contain the most guarded of secrets: Sex Magic. Wayne Dyer, Abraham-Hicks, Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy offer powerful teachings about how to direct our desire and intensify our emotion in order to achieve any goal. What these teachers don’t speak to, however, is how sexual desire works like rocket fuel, launching us toward the reality of our wildest dreams. This is the secret beyond the secret: sex magic. Simply stated, sex magic is a spiritual practice that uses sexual desire to manifest tangible effects in the physical world. One of the most powerful experiences that we have as human beings is orgasmic energy, and if we can pair it with intent, then we can direct the most powerful manifesting force available on earth. Sex magic is nothing new, either. It has a long, shadowy history that includes pagan fertility rites, the cult of Isis, the worship of Ishtar, Hellenistic Gnostics, Shamanic sex trance, the Great Rite of Wicca, the Order of the Knights Templar, Masonic magicians, and Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis. Many of these teachings are oral traditions given only to the highest initiates. Documentation of these procedures and practices is murky and often shrouded in secrecy. We dedicate this ebook to sincere seekers who want to learn a practical method to fuse their sexual arousal with conscious intention in order to more fully manifest their life’s purpose. Here is a sample of what is covered in this powerful eBook:

  • Does it really work?
  • Intention is the first ingredient
  • The SHAMAN Method
  • Sacred Ritaul
  • Holding Space
  • A is for Activate the Kundalini
  • M is for Merging
  • A is for Affirming
  • N is for Next Steps
  • Solo Sex Magic
  • Group Sex Magic
  • Homoerotic sex magic
  • Why isn’t it working?
  • Conscious Conception

The SHAMAN Method of Sex Magic teaches you to direct your sexual power to manifest your deepest desires. Women may re-discover their libido, relieve pain during intercourse and connect to their sexual intuition. Men will eliminate fear of intimacy, cure performance anxiety, and learn to sexually satisfy a woman.

The intention of this book is to heal the greatest collective wound on the planet: the separation between Sex and Spirit. “With language and concepts that are accessible to everyone, this book will be of great value to you, your lovers, your students, and your friends no matter where they may be in their journey.” –REiD Mihalko, creator of Cuddle Party Get your copy Today for only $9.99 on Kindle at or as an instant PDF download in our Store! If you’d like to join Kamala Devi and the San Diego polyamory family for a fun weekend retreat to explore firsthand how they do polyamory, check out Poly Palooza: Top 10 reasons to go to a 4-day festival for free lovers! or go to Poly Palooza: The Weekend Festival for Free Lovers.

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