KamalaDevi Promo Graphic motherhood shamanismI’m delighted to invite you to an online (FREE) conference where I’ll be speaking about “Poly Parenting: Alternative Family Values.” The event is called The Sha Mama Summit; Discover the consciousness of the Mother Journey. This is a week long conference (Feb. 14-20) that will explore the Feminine Principle in it’s many expressions and how you can harness it to empower your life.

Reserve your seat for this virtual conference Here: www.shamamarising.com I will be speaking on Feb. 20th

During this conference you will:

  • Discover the shamanic consciousness and initiations of the mother journey.
  • Learn how the female principle consciousness manifests the New Earth Paradigm
  • Learn to love your body, know your true self and trust your innate wisdom. 
  • …And sooooo much more!

Polyamory Family With devin at Whole Being Weekend

The Sha Mama Rising Summit is home-crafted with love to help change the cultural conversation and bring more balance and peace to the planet. This summit is not only for women – men are welcome and will learn much! Please bring your light and magick to this table: www.shamamarising.com!

For questions and details please contact my new friend: Miré here: [email protected]!

March TBA Available on Amazon: Polyamory Pearls Vol. 2 of Sacred Slut Sutras

Aug. 2-7 TANTRA FESTIVAL Ängsbacka Kursgård, Värmland, Sweden www.en.angsbacka.se/festivals/tantra-festival/

Aug. 8 – 14, 2016 Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience, Level 1” in Ängsbacka, Sweden with Bruce Lyon, and Me. Contact Lin Holmquist: [email protected]

Sept. 23-Oct. 1st PolyPalooza Jamaica Details, TBA

NOW Available on Amazon: Sacred Slut Sutras, due to censorship of the nudity on the cover you MUST use this link: http://amzn.to/1RBmFPD

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