It’s official! My newest book finally going LIVE on Amazon this 4th of July, 2016. Mark your calendar and go to this Link, this MONDAY: n KamalaDevi poly pearls book

I am confident about the merit of this heart-opening book. My soul has been singing to me for 3 years while I simply played secretary. No doubt it will crack open the crowns (and crotches) of thousands of readers. However, the trick to being a best seller is not about confidence, or the quality of the book, it’s about getting everyone to buy the damn thing on the same day.  So if you’re open to helping me realize my dream of being a bestselling author, let’s coordinate our calendars to hit this INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Sorry, I don’t have a zillion bonus products or affiliate programs. You just get me, naked on my knees, begging you to support the arts for only $19.97 at Amazon.  Buy your copy here: Here’s a sneak peek: Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 11.05.49 AMHelp me celebrate this Sexy, fun, witty NEW book by going to Amazon and buying a first edition. (And buy one for that special friend too!) This is a Virtual ONLINE event only…with live streaming updates…The physical book release party will be in the fall. Details about the live streaming will be announced soon!

Vulnerability polyamory pearls
So grateful for your support of Kamala Devi’s dream of someday becoming an Amazon bestseller! (Cross your fingers that it be this Independence Day!)
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I am excited to also be doing a live streaming virtual event on the 4th of July and will post details soon. If you are interested in an update on what’s happening with Kamala Devi and the San Diego Polyamory family Since the show, Click Here:

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