“Today is the best day ever!”KamalaDevi angel wings
Even though Devin, age 8, says this nearly every single day, I never get tired of hearing it. In fact, when I add it all up, it validates my own experience because has been the best year, of my life! Despite severe health challenges and the death of numerous dear friends, I spent my year-long healing sabbatical focused on rebuilding my health, marriage, and art. I hope you enjoy my top 10 most memorable experiences of 2015.
  • 10. My 40th birthday.

With the help of 8 lovers, I indulged in every manner of pleasure, from vegan strip clubs, to Beltaine blood rites under the waterfalls of Portland. During this wild lover’s retreat, Michael McClure genuflected with his guitar, playing an original song as he presented me with a second wedding ring. (The first one he and Devin found at the hot springs, shortly, after we decided to renew our marriage.) Also for my birthday, my parents gave me an all expense paid trip to Tony Robbin’s Date with Destiny in Boca Raton, which is where I am now, while writing this letter. My birthday gift to myself was a week-long retreat in the woods of Canada for ISTA’s Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience with Crystal Dawn Morris, Laurie Handlers and Frank Mondeose…Yummmm!

  • 9. Healing Retreat.
While wrapping up a year of marriage counseling, our therapist Mark cautioned Michael to move slowly, and treat me as if I’d been in a car crash. That’s when, after many years of debilitating symptoms and denial, I finally embraced the diagnosis of C-PTSD. (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.) I’ve since delved into Trauma Release exercises, paradox cure with Dave Donatiu, Pilates with Jennifer Gold, Nutrition and Holistic healing with Daniel, and am practicing a new form of embodied non-violent communication with Max Rivers. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such skilled healers. Even though the recovery has been humbling, I feel safer and stronger in my body now, more than ever before.
  • 8. Wedding Bells.

In January I officiated an intimate tantric ceremony for Talyaa Liera and DaveDonatiu , on the cliff overlooking the ocean at Sunset, with Baba Dez Nichols on one side and my beloved Michael on the other. Next, I had the honor of being a Bridesmaid and reading poetry at Charles Muir and Christy Rose Muir wedding amongst the redwoods of Santa Cruise. Then my beloveds Roxanne DePalma and Daniel had an outrageous love ceremony for over 200 people, which I co-officiated with Marc Gafni. The festivities included a sexy after party and unforgettable variety show where Jesse Norton spontaneously proposed to Jennifer Gold. So the final knot was tied last month at a gathering of intimate friends dressed in full steampunk fashion.

  • 7. Devin the Ninja.
My son came home from 2nd grade, in love! Except instead of the little red head in the second row, it was with a form of martial art that I had never even heard of. He has since earned his yellow belt in Sho-shu. Other highlights include:Helping his father make an epic 3 story tree house. Learning the theme song to “star wars” on his violin, before decided to retire it and take up keyboard. And ziplining across the Wild animal park with his uncle Christian, before the officials declared it was too dangerous and closed it to kids. Perhaps the most memorable moment with Devin was when he accidentally stepped in Buffalo poop during a camping trip in Catalina for Michael and my 13th anniversary.
  • 6. European Vacation!
Michael got laser eye surgery this summer so he could better appreciate the stunning sites during our six weeks of travel. We visited Turkish bathhouses, mosques and bazaars in Istanbul during Ramadan. Then went yachting on the Mediterranean to explore ancient ruins with uncle Christian and Devin’s best friends. We stayed at a peace research center in portugal, called Tamera, to study sustainability and free love with Deiter Duhm. We visited Museums and water parks in Madrid and the biggest nudist colony in the South of France. Then we hopped on a train with our buddy David Steel and headed for the absolutely outrageous Summer of Love festival outside of Amsterdam where we taught tantra theater and studied with Chahat Aden Corten and Marc Gafni. I worked on our forthcoming book, the Pleasure Bible, throughout five countries, while Devin kept up his journal for all 44 days!
  • 5. Go Solar Power.
After winning awards as the top sales agent at SunCoast, Michael decided to start his own company: American Solar Foundation. ASF is a Public Benefit company that compiles government and private grants, programs and funds allowing homeowners to purchase solar without using any of their own money. He is now growing his team and offering great deals to the conscious community. I’m so blessed to have a husband who is both an environmental visionary, as well as an abundant entrepreneur!
  • 4. Death.
There is nothing like the untimely death of a loved one to remind us how precious life is. I had a number of said reminders: In February, I facilitated a beach side memorial to celebrate Cindy’s life. Then lost my Aunt Elivra. Then one of my dear friends and mentors, Deborah Deborah Anapol passed quietly in her sleep. This shocking event inspired me to plant a juicy Mulberry tree, and re-commit to my monthly newsletters, in her honor. Collectively, the tantra community is mourning the tragic passing of two exceptional American male tantra teachers this year: Rundy Kevin Duphiney and Steve Carter. And we are all still mourning the loss of Harbin Hot springs our “Hippie Haven” which burned down in a horrible wild fire that took over 700 homes.
  • 3. Soul Reclamation.
KamalaDevi Dead SeaI went on a month long journey to Jerusalem to celebrate my brother Ohad’s 50th Birthday. My Pilgrimage started on Yom Kippur with a camping trip on Jordan river with Tiki Adler Raz and Zeev Adler. Then I reunited my ISTA family for the Sex & Consciousness Conference. In addition to leading one of my largest sexual play parties, and trying my hand at stand-up comedy for the first (and possibly last) time, I also got to speak in public venues around Tel Aviv. Then a glorious week of co-facilitating Level 1 with Ohad Ezrahi and Dawn Cherie, followed by a spontaneous decision to stay an extra week to study with Bruce Lyon and Assist with Level 2. I’m astounded by the healing and magic that showed up during daily rituals in the caves, fresh water springs and salt sea. I experienced an indescribable encounter with my own soul, as well as witnessing the awakening of so many international brothers and sisters.
  • 2. Writing & Publishing!
Sacred Slut SutrasOK, I admit, I may have been a tad overambitious with my goal to publish 3 books this year, but (…Drumroll Please…) The Sacred Slut Sutras will be available on Amazon this Winter Solstice! And the illustrations by Francois Dubeau breathtaking! Also, I’m drooling with anticipation as Vol. 2: Poly Pearls which is due to come out around Valentines 2016. Additionally, co-authoring the forthcoming, Pleasure Bible, with Marc Gafni has rewoven my internal relationship to pleasure and we are about a third of the way there! Lastly, Roxanne and I spent more time writing cartoons for Poly Pearls, than content for 52 Fridays with My Bitch, but we are still diligent when it comes to field research and fantasy play on Fridays!
Here’s your Link to get a pre-launch copy on Amazon:  http://amzn.to/1RBmFPD.
  • 1. Joining ISTA Faculty.
Interantional School of Temple Arts Ista BannerAfter teaching, hosting and leading ISTA events for about a decade, in the holy hills outside of Jerusalem, I was welcomed as ISTA’s newest faculty member, and It feels like coming home. After all, this is the tantric family that raised me. The book that I co-authored with Baba Dez is currently in the process of being translated into Spanish and Portuguese. I am blown open by the power of Bruce Lyon’s teachings and honored to be co-facilitating the “Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience, Level 1” in Ängsbacka, Sweden this coming summer! (Mark your Calendar: August 8, 2016 – August 14, 2016 contact Lin Holmquist for info: [email protected]) I don’t know what other profound alchemy will be cooked up this year, but I am certain it will be big, since I am committed to taking these deep teachings around the world. Michael and I invite you to start the New Years with Ohad, Dawn, and Robert Silber as we dive into the Sexual Spiritual Shamanic Training in Hawaii after the annual Tantra Fest!
My greatest New goal this new year is to stop suffering, in all circumstances and embody even more love! I send you abundant Blessings, and look forward to co-creating more magic!
Immense Love,
KamalaDevi McClure

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