I’m preparing for a New Moon manifestation ceremony and wanted to share what’s happening in my tender heart. I hope you will join me in prayer since this is a potent time to co-create in the area of self-love, friendship, romance, and community! Libra energy is not only here to bless you in your partnership, but since it is also the witchy month of October, it’s also an extra powerful time to harvest! So here are my vulnerable updates and prayer requests…
My Vulnerable Updates
I’m rooting at home after my whirlwind ISTA tour from Seattle to Spain immediately followed by a local training in San Diego. Since I’ve been back, I’m adjusting to a number of new challenges.
First of all, my only child is now in high school, which is a huge transition for a mother who is used to spending all day with him during the pandemic. Not only is he independently riding his bike to and from school, but he is also rebuilding a social life with real live in-person friends!
I’ve also been wrestling with a series of strange health symptoms. For the past several years, I’ve been working with chronic pain and inflammation in my feet (plantar fascitis) and after seeing doctors, using inserts, massages, and saunas, I decided to take this last month off running and yoga.
Unfortunately, reducing my exercise has taken a toll on my emotions and my moods…which is already a challenge, because I’m peri-menopausal. Additionally, as if the delicate balance of human chemicals wasn’t complicated enough, I’ve been enhancing my testosterone levels as part of my soul’s exploration of gender transcendence. Another piece of this intricate puzzle has been supplementing to counterbalance the subtle side effects the COVID vaccine has had on my cognitive ability. Anyone else suffering from brain fog?
Whew! That might sound like a lot of chemical challenges, but it’s just a tiny taste of how I like to participate in the holistic evolution of my own body/mind.
On the relationship front, Michael and I are planning the 20 year anniversary of our open marriage. We are both celebrating and mourning the widening of our intimate circle since many of our erotic friends and lovers are traveling, moving, and becoming long-distance lovers. Meanwhile, we are entertaining the long-term vision of moving into an intentional eco-community as we feel called to help the landing of temples around the world.

Join Me In Prayer
So, the bottom line of my heart, health, and family update is a request to join me in prayer to help me manifest these dreams:
1) May I bring out the best in everyone thereby live in “right relation” with anyone whose life I touch.
2) May I find balance in my diet, sleep, and physical exercise so that I am blessed with more physical ease and pleasure streaming from my heels to my toes.
3) May I be given as much power as I’m willing to use on behalf of the greatest good.
Blessed Be.
P.S. I would love to hear from you, and if you resonate with one of my upcoming offerings, I’d love to connect deeper. Please scroll down to and read my invitations and pencil them into your calendar. Be sure to meditate or pray to see if when your soul feels called to meet again…
Oct 22-26, 2021, EVOLVE FEST
Nov 13, 2021, The Secure Poly Immersion Presented By Leveled Up Love
Nov 24-Dec 4, 2021, The Temple Intensive ~ Nosara, Costa Rica
Nov 26-Dec 3, 2021, One World Tantra Festival
Jan. 21-29, 2022, ISTA Dominican Republic
April 3-10, 2022, ISTA Northern California
May 17-25, 2022, ISTA San Diego
Sept. 7-14, 2022, ISTA Upstate New York
Sept. 15-17, 2022, ISTA Tribal Gathering NY
Aug. 30- 6, 2023, ISTA Belgium